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Tierra conducted biological and cultural resources surveys and prepared a Biological Evaluation, Class III...
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Tierra worked with the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department to expedite a wastewater...
Tierra worked with the Gila Valley Irrigation District (GVID) to obtain a new right of way grant on Bureau of...
Tierra prepared an Environmental Assessment and a Biological Assessment and Evaluation for this project to...
The vegetation management plan created by Tierra focused on reducing the risk of fire hazards by maintaining...
Tierra prepared all applications, studies, and technical submittals required to support a Pinal County...
Tierra prepared an Environmental Assessment for the Santa Fe Watershed Project that evaluated the potential...
Upon completion of field surveys and documentation, Tierra developed and implemented a Sonoran Desert...
An Environmental Assessment was developed for this transmission line project and submitted to the Bureau of...